Nach einem herausforderndem Schuljahr verbrachte eine Gruppe von SchülerInnen aus der 3. Kunst und Mode Tage der Stille im Haus Quelle am Hochwechsel. Es war für sie Zeit, zu sich zu kommen, in die Schönheit der Natur einzutauchen und über Grundfragen des Lebens zu reflektieren.
„Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich ein paar Tage in der „Quelle“ verbringen durfte. Es war sehr entspannend und beruhigend. Ich genoss die wunderschöne Umgebung ohne Stress und ohne Sorgen! Die Vorträge zeigten uns neue Wege über das Leben und seine Bedeutung nachzudenken!“
„I really enjoyed spending time at the source as It allowed me to finally be at peace and have a clear mind, which often isn’t possible in the city and especially not during school time. I really enjoyed being close to nature and being part of a smaller community, however I appreciated that the social aspect was not forced upon us and that we were free to pick our own schedule. I also enjoyed Ishpriyas lectures and that she partially chose to describe God as a source for those who have religious beliefs but don’t want to personify that faith. The days gave me an opportunity to really reflect, try out more forms of creative expression and to finally untie those “knots” of thoughts in my mind that I could never quite unravel. All in all I had a great time and I’d love to come back again.“
„Sowie ich ankam, spürte ich sofort, wie ich mich entspannte. Ich hatte eine wundervolle Zeit und war traurig, wieder wegfahren zu müssen. Ich genoss die freie Zeit für mich und lernte wieder, die Natur wahrzunehmen und zu bewundern!“
„I really enjoyed the quiet days and really managed to calm down and focus on myself. I found Ishpriyas lectures very interesting and it showed me a very cool new perspective. I went on two long walks on my own and enjoyed the nature and the vastness of the landscape. I felt incredibly calm and very happy for a long time. It was an incredibly great experience to find myself and draw new strength and inspiration. Very thankfull for that :)“